Article Index

Sewer Rate Schedule


Residential* $29.00; 0-2,000 gallons
Commercial $40.00; 0-2,000 gallons


Additional Monthly Usage Fees

Gallons Residential* Commercial
2001-5000 $7.50 per 1,000 gal $8.50 per 1,000 gal
5001-10,000 $8.20 per 1,000 gal $9.20 per 1,000 gal
10,001-15,000 $8.90 per 1,000 gal $9.90 per 1,000 gal
15,001-20,000 $9.60 per 1,000 gal $10.60 per 1,000 gal
20,001 and up $10.30 per 1,000 gal 11.30 per 1,000 gal

*Residential: Includes Apartments and Townhouses Units

  • GOVERNMENTAL and SCHOOLS: Will be charged 2 times Commercial Rate for Base Fee and Additional Usage
  • HIGH STRENGTH: $11.50 each additional 1,000 gallons. This includes:Day Care, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Laundromats, Restaurants, Doctors, Dentists, Beauty Shops, Grocery Store, Convenient Store, Funeral Homes, Car Washes, Dry Cleaners
Connection Fees
Sewer Connection Tap Fee:  
Low pressure main with 3/4 inch water service $8,300.00
Gravity 4" connection $3,500.00

Commercial: Fees are based on water meter size
The cost of sewer connection with larger than ¾ inch water service will be the responsibility of the owner.

Sewer Capacity Fee:  
¾ inch $ 7,400
1 inch $12,333
2 inch $39,467
3 inch $78,933
Full Schedule

*Revised June 4, 2018

Parts & Labor Charges

For changing service size, location, or repairs for damage to the districts property.


  • Calculated at current price of materials due to the fluctuation of the market plus 20%.


  • $35.00 per man per hour
  • $75.00 per hour for backhoe
  • $10.00 per foot for bores up 2"
  • Repairs requiring contracted labor will be charged at invoice cost.

Fines for Violation of Fats, Oil and Grease Control Ordinance

Minor Violations

Offense 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense and Up
Failure to Submit Records Warning $100 $150 $500
Inspections Hinderance Warning $100 $150 $500
Failure to Maintain On-site Records Warning $100 $150 $500
Failure to Meet Sample Standards Warning $100 $150 $500


Moderate Violations

Offense 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense and Up
Failure to Maintain Interceptors in Proper Working Order $150 $300 $500 $1000
Failure to Clean Out Interceptor Every 30 Days $150 $300 $500 $1000


  Major Violations
 Source of Sewer Blockage Minimum $500 and not more than $10,000 plus cost of cleaning lines.
 Source of Sanitary Sewer Overflow Minimum $1000 plus cost of cleaning lines.
 Falsification of Records $1,000
  • *updated July 1, 2018

Water & Sewer Emergencies

Report After Hours Emergencies

Chuck Jones
Public Works Manager
330 US Hwy 158 East Camden, NC 27921
252-338-6363 x313
After Hours: 252-340-3040

Terry Kelly
System Supervisor
P.O. Box 249 117 US Hwy 343 N
Camden, NC 27921
After Hours: 252-202-3012
